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1 Victoria Grove, 2nd Avenue
Hove, England, BN3 2LJ
United Kingdom

07932 009624

Kirsty Wither is one of the country's most collected women painters. Her rich, vibrant work is immediately recognisable and she has built up a loyal following around the world for her work.

Stafford Gallery Exhibition 2023

10th - 24th September 2023

Banding Together 44 x 56 in


“Kirsty regularly visits Scotland but her home and studio are in Brighton where she swims everyday in the sea.  On meeting her one understands that she is as colourful, energetic and joyful as her paintings.”

Judy Stafford



Stafford Gallery
Wimbledon Fine Art
41 Church Road
Wimbledon Village
SW19 5DQ


For all reservation and sales enquiries:


Phone: 0208 944 6593

Mobile: 0793 904 8436