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The walls in the sitting rooms are decked out with landscapes by Annabel Fairfax and Kirsty Wither. 'When I finish a job, if there's a little extra cash left and a wall space winking at me, I won't buy jewels, I'll buy a painting,' says Butter.
“Give me an ounce of civet; good apothecary. Sweeten my imagination”, says poor blinded Gloucester in King Lear, and also at the Open Eye, Kirsty Wither’s show In Colour does just that. Not that it is simply sweet. A laden brush and palette knife give body to her pictures. Consequently the colour in a painting like Lemons in Luxury, for instance, or in flower pictures like Fruit and Roses, is rich, but it is much more than decorative. On the contrary, her pictures have a very satisfactory kind of poetic solidity.
Talking about the background, painting in lockdown, and general influences - A very brief introduction!
For Hove-based artist Kirsty Wither the importance of colour in influencing how we feel cannot be overstated.
Many artists seek the technical challenge and aesthetic pleasure of painting a vase of flowers.
To brighten a winter’s day, take a wander around Kirsty Wither’s fruit bowls and colourful bunch of floral studies.